As a self-respecting feminist, I try really hard to maintain my capacity to love my opposite gender and reiterate that feminism is about equality in all genders, all races, all nations, etc. And in terms of gender inequality, I could have it much worse in other developing countries. PC had me preparing for Sub-Saharan Africa, so in terms of gender relations, things aren't terrible. And eventually, in my faux-future plans, I want to head to the Middle East for gender work. In case you didn't know, women aren't the most heralded of beings over there.
So when I hear shouts of Hey baby! or kissy noises or obnoxious recantations of the word "BYE" in-passing (you say bye while passing someone on the street in Tonga), I put on my patient face and reel in my twitching middle finger.

But day after day of "Hey baby!" or whispers as men approach my gate when I'm trying to play my ukulele in my house, or when I'm out dancing with friends and get multiple booty-grabs...(and once a boob-grab,) I want to go APE-SHAT-CRAZY! I wanna go all J-LO (circa "Enough") on those bias and show them you don't mess with a Feminist Palangi on the dance floor! You don't ask for a dollar when I'm going for a run! Don't kiss at me while I'm biking to work! Don't ask for my number! Don't tell me I'm beautiful just because I have white skin! (Bitterly gasping for breath with an intimidating and slightly scary scowl draped across my freckled face.)

And the real problem: it's everywhere. So many insecure or repressed girls seek ANY form of male attention, so kissy noises and "Hey baby"s suffice enough for something. So this vicious cycle will never end, and I don't think my fists can handle day after day of pulverizing Tongan faces whose bone mass would disintegrate my knuckles in one blow.

I'm not violent nor am I excessively angry, but I did watch Kill Bill (Vols. 1-2) last night and it just blew on my flickering flame of activism. And I want a Samurai sword.

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