Clearly, it's been a rainy few days. Let me make clear that I LOVE the rain--in my world, rain trumps sunshine any day unless I'm doing laundry or have an amazing hair-day. (Nah, omit that last part. Even on an amazing hair-day I love rain. Though laundry is serious business.)
So I've embraced the start of the rainy/cyclone season by absorbing the weather mood and adopting it as my own.
This means: I only want to sleep, watch movies, read books, drink coffee, and cuddle with my cat. Except for my cat smells like 7 different levels of death and is covered in fleas.
Cat now hates the shower--not only has it also slightly flooded due to the outside water elevation (seriously), but I gave her an intense bath last night and doused her in flea treatment. She was NOT a purring, happy kitty. She became a shivering, wiggling, ball of stink that smelled like Oil-Spill casualties meets the Garden of Eden. (Or dead fish+Herbal Essences. Same thing.)
Sure, she's still adorable and teeny, but after work, when I want to collapse on my 70s retro couch and watch something while cuddling my cup of coffee, I have to mop. EVERY DAY. I wipe up her poop, mop the floor(s), feed her, and bitterly wish I could never smell that god-awful stench of feline waste.
I just want to enjoy this rain. Sigh.
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