Thursday, February 3, 2011

Self-Evaluation Time (A journal entry from Jan. 12)

Pet Peeves: having moist matches, shopping carts in parking lots (not that that's a concern here...yes!), scream-preaching, hair in any hairbrush, people reading over my shoulder, such as Tongan children when I'm at a computer, when I have to be assertive because people don't pick up on social clues, when people (Tongans) think I'm beautiful solely because of my skin color/status, inherited religion (big issue here... and everywhere, honestly), the inability/social taboo of having a male Tongan friend, billboards (especially in the middle of a field), stingy people.

Favorite Sounds: Silence/static of my earbuds, rain--especially a downpour, baby sounds other than crying, slurping, or pooing, striking a match (b/c it's dry!), my fan when I'm sleeping, bluegrass music, wind in coconut trees, a "G" on my uke, my shower because it means I have running water!, a motor when I'm hitchhiking (yes, unfortunately we do that here...but it's safe), Tongan men singing, and frying pancakes.

Favorite Smells: Gas!--I love having a gas stove!, my dish smells like Sprite!, baking bread/baking anything, books--new, old, my leather journal, Boy Bodywash/deodorant/soap, Ginger, Cinnamon, Rain...except when it blows into my clothes or bed, which then smells like mold, permanent markers, my mom's kitchen, biscuits, my sheets (which smelled like my house 3 weeks ago, before I slept on them), Christmas morning food, TOngan flowers, fresh laundry, fresh pineapple/mango, and, this is weird...the salty kind of sweat (not B.O.)

Current Fears: Love. My inability/its inevitability--conditional/difference, Stasis (in Tonga and back in America), Never writing or finishing a book, Losing my nerve with Tongans, teaching Primary, Molekaus or an army of cockroaches, becoming a hermit, frying bacon.

Current Favorite Foods: JAM, kumala, pancakes, ginger, tea w/ milk and sugar, cinnamon anything, PBJ & crackers, chocolate, anything I can bake, 'otai, onions, veggie soup, brownies, siamu lesi (papaya jam), and pele with chicken.

Things I Miss: nonstick frying pans, hugging my mom, my brother's hilarious vocal antics (ahhhhhhhh... lil Jay-may!), my nieces, my big bed, Dollar General Store, Oreos, Wine/Sangria, Bible study, my computer, paved roads, trips with friends, church music I know, winter, running in the cold, porches, garden vegetables, clean tap water, Chick-Fil-A, Sushi, my dad's ridiculous jokes, my PIANO, a public library, poetry books, coffee, tea that has flavor, movie marathons, movies (period), talks with friends, cooking (and eating) with my sister, God-talks with my bro-in-law, Hummus, strawberries, contemplations with my philosophy friend, Sunday meals, Belgian chocolate, Belgium, Ella's big grin and squeaky "HI JJ!" when I walk in the door, pet names from my parents (Jame-Jame, James, Nutty, Middle Child, etc.) having new music, Glee, taking Writing classes, Target, carpet, the ability to go to a Mexican restaurant and have good food, drinks, laughs, and talks with my aunt and her family, having a fully-functional phone.

Things I Don't Miss: politics, arguments, driving, hot showers, Wal-Mart, school traffic, sports (except volleyball...only boys play vball here and it pisses me off!), Billboards, Parking lots, Scottsville traffic, BG traffic (any traffic), American Christianity, fundraising, country music, heels/uncomfortable shoes, big mirrors, clocks

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