Thursday, December 16, 2010

Swearing-In, Site Change, and I Got Hit by a Car Today

Don't be alarmed. I mean, I did get hit by a car today. In the most menial sense possible. My friend and I were walking to the a-MAZing bakery here in the capital, and there were cars on the sidewalk so my steps were on the side of the road, like everyone else. Then suddenly, my whole arm flies forward from the propelled force of a frickin car who couldn't scoot over 2 inches! I mean, it's not really a big deal. He just clipped my wrist, but wow. Maybe I'm just a chronic arm-swinger. I totally am.

In more important news, I am officially a PCV! The Swearing-In Ceremony was Wednesday and it was pretty awesome. I did my single-ladies oil dance again (we made over $80 total!), and I helped lead the National Anthem. Fun times. As of yesterday, I found out that my site changed from an all-boy's college on Tongatapu to a Goverment Primary School (GPS) in 'Eua, a small island south of Tongatapu that is notorious for its excellent hiking! ( hiking boots are itching to emerge!) So since everyone left today to go to their sites, my change was very last-minute. I found out that my house has no fridge or stove, and that I needed a bike (and a fan, of's Tonga. Heat is the staple product here.) so I spent $1300 in one hour. My bank account is weeping.

Anyway, I am absolutely thrilled about my site change. I had some reservations about the all-boy's school...gender issues are huge here, and I had such an uneasy feeling, despite my great homestay experience at the site. But all is well now, and I cannot wait to visit a whole new island! Now I wish I would've paid attention during all the Primary Education sessions we had during training...hmm...

PS: If anyone is interested in sending me a package, here are things I need!

--Any teaching tools! Markers, crayons, paints or brushes, anything creative! Coloring books, construction paper, scissors, BOOKS(!), etc.
--Mosquito is expensive here (Off! brand is nearly $20 pa'anga), and the stuff we get free here isn't very effective. I am mosquito food.
--Anything that is efficient for cooking. Spices, special utensils (I have basics), special pans (I have one frying pan, one sauce pan, one bread pan, and a 9x9 cake pan).
--Skirts! Flowy and light is best, and color doesn't matter! Black is good for funerals, but colors are so much fun... and get cheap ones! Please :)
--I desperately need a new Nalgene-ish water bottle... I lost my first one, adn my second one is metal and tastes funky.
--Any books. I love books. :D
--Feminine products would be great...!
--Olive oil
--Pictures!!! Send me pictures of you guys... and notes and cards are greatly appreciated!
--CANDY! For the kids, of course.... :P

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